Thursday, March 08, 2012

Milton Glaser's Latest Overlook Collaboration

Available March 14, we are thrilled to publish Milton Glaser’s new book, In Search of The Miraculous or One Thing Leads to Another, a unique and lavishly illustrated volume based on his exhibit of the same name, which unveiled in 2010 at the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA).

Borne from a phrase that has persisted in Glaser’s memory for many years, In Search of the Miraculous offers a rare and exclusive view into the creative process behind his design work, revealing ideas and sketches that organically developed into practical applications for both commercial work and deeply personal art. While demonstrating how design concepts build on one another or are repurposed by the designer, Glaser expounds on the idea that the pursuit and the risks involved in creating art are what become most illuminating and valuable in an artist or designer’s career.

In Search of the Miraculous is Glaser’s fourth book published with Overlook, following Graphic Design, Art is Work, and Drawing is Thinking. Aside from being a visionary and icon in the world of graphic arts, Glaser is a delight to work with and has been a dear friend to our publisher Peter Mayer for many years. In the video below, Peter speaks about the moment when he and Milton Glaser became colleagues to collaborate on his first book, Graphic Design.


“In Search of the Miraculous aptly captures the tension involved in reconciling the artist’s aspirations to do great work and the client’s objectives. This book eloquently, articulately, and with great panache, and provocation, illuminates the extraordinary outcomes that emerge when the artistic process miraculously works.”

--New York Journal of Books

"Artists, designers, and art students will appreciate this little, low-key exhibition catalog."

--Library Journal

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