Monday, January 30, 2006

Japanese Puzzles of the Future!: Nurikabe

Welcome back to Japanese Puzzles of the Future! This week we'll feature Nurikabe. Click on image to enlarge and print.

The rules are simple. The numbers represent islands of unfilled boxes. So a 1 would mean that 1 was unfilled. A 4 would mean there were 4 connected unfilled boxes, etc. No islands are connected. Fill in boxes to reveal islands. There cannot a 2 x 2 box of 4 filled boxes. Use dots to identify boxes you know will be unfilled. There is a great online tutorial here.

Give Hitori a shot if you're just joining us. We also have some free sudoku puzzles here and here and a free kakuro puzzles here with another one coming by week's end. Which publisher weblog gives you more free stuff than us? I'll have to get back to you on that one--but if you send us a photo with a completed puzzle you downloaded from our site we may give you immortal glory by making you the Elephant Walk Puzzle Monster of the Week. Drop us a line with your deets and your glamor shot. Thanks for playing Japanese Puzzles of the Future! Overlook Press is thrilled to keep you up to date with the latest in puzzle crazes before they happen, so that you can be informed and look cool to all your friends. First with Sudoku, first with Kakuro, first in your hearts: that's what Overlook Press is about. Make Godzilla and Rodan proud.--Jim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The above Nurikabe puzzle appears to have two slightly different solutions. One of them has a 2x2 block of 4 white squares, however this has never been excluded by any set of rules I have seen - it just looks a bit ugly. The two solutions differ on the 4th and fifth row down, on the left half.
