Friday, February 24, 2006

Everybody's workin' for the week-end...

Paul Collins is the editor of McSweeney's excellent Collins Library imprint, and blogger over at the appropriately titled Weekend Stubble, where one might learn as I did today--among many other things bizarre and book-related--that Le Corbusier had a copy of Don Quixote bound in the hide of his own dog.

At any rate, Paul has taken notice of Overlook's upcoming release of The Week-End Book. (Due in early May, not June as the old Amazon listing stated.)

I'll be sending advance books out to reviewers next week. If you are a reviewer or blogger and are interested in seeing a copy, please feel free to drop me a line.

As part of what I hope will be a regular weekend feature here on the blog, here's an excerpt from the chapter entitled "The Law and How You Break It" on the essential differences between flotsam, jetsam and lingan (who knew?):
Goods which float on the sea after a shipwreck are called “flotsam”; but if they are thrown out to lighten the ship they are called “jetsam’, and if sunk, with a buoy attached, then “lingan”. When it cannot be ascertained who is owner of such goods, then, if they are found in the sea, they belong to the finder. But all wrecks and wreckage cast ashore are in general the perquisites of the Crown, unless the owner of the land on which they are found has a legitimate “grant of wreck.”
Week-enders (and other persons) who happen to find a corpse on the shore are obliged to notify the police within six hours. The reward for fulfilling this obligation is five shillings.
Have a great weekend...or rather, "week-end."

--John Mark

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