Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Let me clarify this...

Once when I was but a lowly temp worker at another publishing house, I saw a notice on the bulletin board that Don Knotts would be stopping by the office to sign copies of his autobiography for the staff, so of course I'm there. All the man had to do was walk into the room and everyone started laughing. Not in a mean way, but in a "He's been making me laugh for so long, this is a perfectly natural reaction." Don Knotts in your field of vision = you laughing.

So yeah, sad to hear he's gone... Here's a quote that I always think of whenever I have to speak in public:

"I have been called brave. What is brave? Let me clarify this. Of course we all know this is short for brave-r-y. That goes without even being said. But is also a symbol of another thing. It is a symbol of doing one's duty no matter what is scarring him personally. Take your World War II. There was many heroes in World War II. What were your heroes? Who were your heroes? Let me clarify this. Thank you for having me."

- Don Knotts as Luther Heggs addressing the Chamber of Commerce in The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (see the trailer here).

--John Mark

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see his speech printed out. My son wanted to read it at his brother's wedding reception for his "Best Man" speech, so we had to play it over and over and write down each line. Some of the folks didn't understand it, but though it was funny just the same. Right afterwards, my son's Father-in-Law got up to say a few words, and without skipping a beat, tapped on the microphone and said " The electrician must be Democrat".