Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Poem of the Week: Paul Auster's "Fragment from Cold"

This week we feature screenwriter, novelist, poet, all around literary guy and noted Mets' fan Paul Auster. You can hear him read Wednesday night:

66 West 12th Street, room 510.
WED 2/8 6:30 p.m. $5.
Moderated by David Lehman.

Fragment from Cold

Because we go blind
in the day that goes out with us,
and because we have seen our breath
the mirror of air,
the eye of the air will open
on nothing but the word
we renounce: winter
will have been a place
of ripeness.

We who became the dead
of another life than ours.

Paul Auster's Collected Poems is available now. Pitchers and catchers report next Friday.

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