Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Matters of great pith and moment

On my way into work this morning I was reading The Economist on the train and came across the following letter to the editor:
Right ho

SIR - Your article on internet search engines refers to Jeeves as a (I do not even want to write the word, but must) "butler" ("The un-Google", June 17th). There will be uproar in the Junior Ganymede Club! A moaning will poison the air above P.G. Wodehouse's grave! Questions will be asked in Parliament! Jeeves was, and always will be, a "gentleman's gentleman". No doubt he would forgive you with a withering irony. I do not know if I can bring myself to do as much.
Washington, DC
...and that's how you send someone off with a flea in their ear.
--John Mark

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