Thursday, July 10, 2008 on Gerald Seymour's THE WALKING DEAD

More acclaim for The Walking Dead: "Gerald Seymour's latest novel, The Walking Dead, is reminiscent of a patchwork quilt. At first, you start with many dissimilar items arrayed before you, with no idea how these unrelated bits can possibly be sewn together into a final product. Eventually, however, after much time and effort and connecting this piece to that, you end up with a gratifying result. The "pieces" in The Walking Dead are the array of seemingly unrelated characters and plot lines that Seymour ultimately crafts into a satisfying thriller. . . What makes this novel noteworthy is Seymour's attention to the book's underlying themes. He delves into the question of how young men get into situations where they willingly risk their lives for their ideals, drawing parallels between the suicide bomber and a young volunteer fighting in the Spanish Civil War seventy years earlier. Other sub-texts explored are the efficacy of intelligence gathering and old-fashioned detective work, and the roles chance and coincidence play in events.The book is well paced, starting slowly and gradually picking up speed before barreling through to the end and some of the plot twists are truly shocking. Readers are advised to have a contiguous block of time available for the last third of the novel; once started, it's difficult to put down." -

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