Thursday, April 09, 2009


L. Dean Murphy reviews Church Signs Across America: "Simon & Garfunkel brilliantly sang that words of prophets are written on subway walls. And on church signs, as captured in a spectacular photo journal by the creative couple Pam and Steve Paulson. Andy Warhol used everyday scenes as a medium of art, Campbell’s Soup, Marilyn Monroe. Church Signs Across America earns Five Stars for its creativity and portrayal of witty words written across America by unknowns. Church Signs Across America is more than a photog journal. It is a journey through the publishing world without a map, by two people destined to create something to inspire others, though odds were against them. It also exhibits architectural concepts of the churches that feature marquees with witticisms in this well-executed coffee-table volume. Agnostics and even atheists appreciate clever quips captured by the Paulsons. The value of art can be measured by the impact on society the work has. Vincent van Gogh never sold a painting, while he was alive. Is his art good? You decide, on some starry, starry night. As a cross-section of America’s church signs, some are thoughtful, some amusing. If scratching your head doesn’t help to understand the meaning, put away the book for a couple of days and think about it!"

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