Friday, September 18, 2009

M. Gigi Durham's THE LOLITA EFFECT Excerpted in The Guardian

An excerpt from M.Gigi Durham's The Lolita Effect ran today in The Guardian (UK): "Lost Youth: Turning Young Girls in to Sex Symbols."

New in paperback, The Lolita Effect is a groundbreaking account of how the media sexualizes young girls. University of Iowa professor and journalist M. Gigi Durham presents new insight into media myths and spectacles of sexuality. Using examples from popular TV shows, fashion and beauty magazines, movies, and Web sites, Durham shows for the first time all the ways in which sexuality is rigidly and restrictively defined in media often in ways detrimental to girls healthy development. The Lolita Effect offers parents, teachers, counselors, and other concerned adults effective and progressive strategies for resisting the violations and repressions that render girls sexually subordinate. Durham provides us with the tools to navigate this media world effectively without censorship or moralizing, and then to help our girls to do so in strong and empowering ways.

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