Jid Lee discusses TO KILL A TIGER at WomensMemoirs.com
Overlook author Jid Lee is visiting WomensMemoirs.com this week, so stop by to say hello and to read her guest blog post about the process of writing and editing her new book To Kill A Tiger: A Memoir of Korea. In her post, Lee provides insight into understanding one's self, family, culture and how those factors define us. She also provides a writing prompt to help inspire self-reflection or your own memoir writing process.
Leave a comment at Jid Lee's guest post and Overlook will enter you in a contest to receive a copy of To Kill A Tiger. This remarkable memoir is both a unique autobiography by a Korean-American woman and a rare authentic portrait of 20th century Korea. Grace Cho has said “L
ee's accessible and engaging writing style, combined with her authoritative voice on Korean history and politics, makes To Kill a Tiger an invaluable resource to anyone who wants to know more about the divided Korean peninsula and the United States' role in it…The publication of this book is a triumph and a testament to Lee's courage.”
Do you have a question for Jid Lee about what it was like to grow up as a female in South Korea, the consequences her family suffered as a result of the Korean War, or how it felt to write To Kill A Tiger? Please leave your questions at WomensMemoirs.com or you can join editors Kendra Bonnett and Matilda Butler in their live interview with Jid Lee on Thursday January 14th at 8:00pm EST. Just dial 712-432-0600 and entering the access code: 998458#. Aside from your usual long distance charges, there is no cost to participate!
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