Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hooray for TRUE GRIT and Charles Portis!

Yesterday, we got the extremely exciting news that True Grit will be the next #1 on the New York Times bestseller for trade paperback fiction. For a book that's been around since 1968, the "Portis revival" (The New Yorker) is incredibly welcome. While of course we love to see our books sell, we acquired Charles Portis' work long before the Coen Brothers film adaptation was planned--because we think they are truly American classics that deserved to stay in print.

To celebrate, we're giving away a FULL SET of Charles Portis' novels. At this point, everyone's heard of True Grit. But some of us are huge fans of Norwood here, and many consider The Dog of the South to be Portis' finest work. We also thought Gringos and Masters of Atlantis were absolute American classics. So we're giving away ALL FIVE books to one lucky winner. Leave a comment here, on Twitter or on Facebook to win--winners announced tomorrow!

Don't forget that these will all be available as ebooks next week and stay tuned for the announcement of the Academy Awards nominees on January 25--we're keeping our fingers crossed that the great reviews of the film translate into much-deserved Oscar nods! And check out this great book buzz from USA Today about True Grit.

Happy reading!


Lisa (Adventures of 2.0) said...

What a great giveaway! I'm hoping that it's international... I am impatiently awaiting True Girt for kindle to come out, I am so intrigued and want to read it before I finally get around to watching the movie. Thanks!

Tiffany said...

Fantastic! I'm still looking forward to seeing the movie and would love to have a few more of his novels.

Teawench said...

Nice giveaway. I'd love to add these to my collection.

Unknown said...

I always like contests and giveaways.

Gina Choe said...

Awesome, I loved the movie (even four rows from the screen)!

Anonymous said...

I've never read these, but I'd love to!

Marie Cloutier said...

I'd love to win these! bibliophile at

Trina said...

We'd love to win these.

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

Oh, that's great! just a wonderful reading!


SFP said...

I gave Masters of Atlantis as a Christmas present last month so you know I'd like to win a complete set of Portis!

Esri Rose said...

It's great that these books are getting some of the attention they deserve!

Don said...

I first read True Grit over ten years ago and have re-read it every year since. I also loved Dog of the South. Can't wait to read the rest.

Chad said...

I thought there was nothing free except the grace of God?

Sci-fi Bookworm said...

Congratulations! Would love to go through those books. Sign me up.

Sci-fi Bookworm

Rollo Romig said...

"True Grit" (the book) is the best. Anxious to read the rest.

Lisa Peet said...

I've got Dog of the South on my wish list, and just saw True Grit...

Steve said...

I'm currently rereading The Masters of Atlantis, this time on the Kindle. Portis is a comedic genius. Thanks, Overlook, for keeping his work in print.

Now, if I can just get my hands on a copy the "Odd Birds of Illinois and Indiana" mailing list....

- Steve

mep said...

My hubby and I would both enjoy this prize! Crossing my fingers . . .

Kate G said...

Hi all--thanks for entering! Marie, just sent you an email, you're our winner today! We'll definitely be doing more Portis giveaways so check back here often :) Happy Friday!

- Kate, Overlook Press