Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Galley Cats

Over at Galley Cat they're having a slow day away from the computer, so they're posting pictures of author's (and publishing people's) cats. Doing their part to cement any shared stereotypes shared between cat people and book people, I guess. If you have a cat and you read a fair amount, then it's pretty safe to say you spend a good portion of that time with a cat in your lap (or with a cat sitting on top of your book, or with a cat stoned out of his mind on catnip trying to tear up your book). I sent in a picture of my cat Callie, which you can see here, but just in case our other cat Bruce gets jealous and launches "a show of Bruce force against the Callistinians" tonight, I feel obligated to share this picture of Bruce (with Callie in the background).

John Mark

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