Monday, June 12, 2006

Things to Distract Us from Hideous World Cup Beatdown

There is a cure for American World Cup Fever after all (take two goals from this guy and *don't* call me in the morning). Yes, the Czechs have rocked our casbah, which gives us time to turn to other more pleasant news. Check out (see you thought I was gonna do that "czech out" thing! Not me!) Edward Albee's appearance in today's (Yesterday's? Tomorrow's? That International Dateline really freaks me out) Sydney Morning Herald as he brings his controversal goat-loving play Down Under. Or a recent Op-Ed appearance of his in the LA TIMES. Or take a peak at the great notice The Seducer by Jan Kjaerstad (tough to do that ae pretzel online) gets at the LA TIMES. And be grateful the US is not yet football-crazy enough to riot after humiliating defeats! Already looking forward to 2010 in South Africa!--Jim

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