Attention, SoCal-ers with an interest in the history of propoganda: RSVP's are now open for KPCC's Russian Propaganda Screening and Discussion with Frank Westerman this Monday.
In an electrifying chapter of the recent English-language translation of his Engineers of the Soul, Dutch nonfiction author Frank Westerman, describes how he “discovered” a rare, largely unseen Soviet propaganda film based on Paustovsky’s novel Kara Bugaz in the Moscow State Film Archives. The piece, a heroic tale of Soviet pioneers setting up a salt-extraction plant on the coast of the Caspian Sea, was banned by Stalin in 1935.On Monday, May 2, the Overlook Press and KPCC invite you to The Crawford Family Forum for a screening of that film, as well as a discussion with Mr. Westerman, an audience Q&A, and post-show reception.
7:00pm - Doors Open
Admission is FREE, but RSVPs are required.
7:30pm - Program
Hope to see you there! If you can't make that, here are Westerman's upcoming NYC and LA-area events:
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Screening of Kara Bogaz - The Black Mouth
Introduction by Frank Westerman and book presentation of Engineers of the Soul
Sponsored by PEN World Voices Festival for International Literature
Admission: $5
Instituto Cervantes 211-215 E. 49th Street New York City
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
Panel Discussion (2082): Tell the Truth but Tell it Slant
Moderator: John Freeman (with Avrom Bendavid-Val, Geoff Dyer, Pico Iyer, Frank Westerman)
Davidson Conference Center USC Campus
Monday, May 2, 2011
Presentation of Engineers of the Soul and Screening of Kara Bogaz
Crawford Family Forum
Sponsored by Southern California Public Radio / 89.3 KPCC and RareBird Lit
474 South Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA
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