Friday, February 24, 2012

Overlook Reads: What Staffers are Reading this Friday

On any given day, there is a remarkable amount of reading going on in the Overlook office. There are piles of manuscripts, books, emails, manuscripts, press materials, newspapers and more to power through (Did we mention manuscripts?). But every once in awhile our eyes wander from the page to our favorite literary websites, news outlets, blogs, and pop-culture reads. Do you ever wonder what our editors are reading during their downtime? Do you know that Overlook has a Resident Homebrew Master and Pop-Culture Queen on staff?

Below you'll find a collection of links from Overlookers as eclectic as the books we publish. We hope you’ll relish in a weekend of well-rounded reading brought to you from the land of the Winged Elephant. Happy Friday!

"Can there be cinema without books?" A look at book-based Oscar nominees.

Patricia O'Brien's new pen name: Proof that books usually are judged by their covers.

Grain for Grades: Beer-making is the latest university course credit.

The art and parody of fact-checking.

Author Turned Copyeditor: What Cormac McCarthy has to say about exclamation points and semicolons in literature.

Are you a product of the '90s? David Bowie, Zubaz pants, Scottie Pippen, scrunchies, and massive desktop's all here.

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