Wednesday, February 22, 2012

EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT: Sasha Karlins, Sales & Marketing

It’s time to reveal another Overlook worker bee (err, elephant?) with this month’s Employee Spotlight. So far you’ve met our wonderful editors and two key players in Overlook’s production and publicity departments here on the blog. Today we would like to introduce you to the the person responsible for a number of important duties including, but not limited to coordinating our seasonal catalogs, generating sales reports, and emblazoning the winged elephant on just about anything she can get her hands on (sticky notes, bookmarks, posters, tote bags, and more). Ladies and gentleman, meet our Sales and Marketing Associate, Sasha Karlins.
In her spare time, Sasha has been known to throw some rad parties, including a mustache soirée complete with tiny mustache candy and a pie palooza to celebrate the upcoming National Pi Day. She’s also quite the wiz with a whisk and piping bag—just ask her friends who enlisted her to create an adorable (and delicious) pig confection for their wedding cake.

Welcome, Sasha!
OP: Describe your job in 140 characters or less.
SK: I handle the catalogs, sell sheets, reports, most ads, some web, and make the fun swag.
OP: What are you currently reading?
SK: After Annie by Michael Tucker and The Romeo and Juliet Code, by Phoebe Stone. I am usually reading several books at once somehow.
OP: What is your favorite book that Overlook has published?
SK: We Is Got Him—it changed my perspective on non-fiction.
OP: If you didn't work in publishing, what would you be doing?
SK: Cake decorating or party planning.
OP: What is your favorite word (Can be in any language—bonus points if there is a funny/interesting story behind it).
SK: Iconoclast. I love both the mouth feel of it and the meaning, and it is something to aspire to.

1 comment:

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