Friday, May 05, 2006

Beverage advice for the week-end

Happy Cinco de Mayo! That's a drinking holiday, right? If Cinco de Mayo doesn't do it for you, there are plenty of reasons to tip the cup today here, including baseball's first perfect game (Cy Young, 1906), No Pants Day, and the birthday of Blind Willie McTell.
I've rounded up a few pieces of priceless advice from THE WEEK-END BOOK's "first aid" chapter on matters alcoholic:

Before Occasions devoted to Hobnailing the Liver it is recommended to take a half to one ounce of Olive Oil or to drink a glass of milk. The Parkinson Herbal states that "if one doe eate five or sixe bitter Almonds before he fall into drinking company, it will keepe him from being overtaken more than the rest."

To stay the Hicquet drink water backwards. This art consists in applying the lips to the far side of the glass and bending forward the head and body till drinking becomes possible. As a prophylactic measure it should be practised secretly.
Another method is to sip slowly a glass of water with both ears and nostrils stopped. A few drops of essence of pepperment on sugar are very effective in the case of such patients as cannot take water.

On the Morning After, comfort the cold and feeble brain by recalling the warning of Mayster Issac Judaeus, who saith: "It is unpossyble for them that drinketh overmoche water in theyr youth to come to ye aege that God hath ordained them."

More on THE WEEK-END BOOK can be found here, here and here.
Your vocabulary words for the weekend: "Hobnailing the liver," "Hicquet," and "unpossyble."
Enjoy the week-end!
--John Mark

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